The Missing Piece: My Journey with JOEhow
For years, I’d been managing Dynamics 365 implementations…. No matter how well the project was executed, something crucial was often missing (to the level it deserves): training
For years, I’d been managing Dynamics 365 implementations…. No matter how well the project was executed, something crucial was often missing (to the level it deserves): training
How do we get past same-old same-old mindset and get into learning and adapting? How do we wake-up every morning, quite literally to reality?
Blended learning meets today’s diverse workforce needs by combining flexible, personalised methods and advanced learning tools
If you don’t associate trauma with learning, that’s great news. However, understanding colleagues that do, might reveal hidden insights…
In the world of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, the significance of Day 1 cannot be exaggerated.
When ERP went to the cloud, we relearned 90% of our methodology, played with agile and scrums. We tipped environment management upside down.